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About Ilanit
Welcome to Ilanit Shalev Art Company. Here you will find information about fused glass classes, as well as some fine works of fused glass art. But first, a little about the artist. Ilanit was born and raised in Haifa, Israel. In 2002, her family got an
opportunity to move to Portland, OR. Just being “Off the boat” Ilanit was exposed to the beauty of fuse glass art. She applied for a 3 hours introductory to fuse glass class and immediately fell in love.
After 2 years in Portland, the family moved to San Diego, CA. This is where Ilanit started to build her own studio. She studied at Pilchuk and the Studio at Corning Museum of Glass and had the privilege of working with some of the most distinguished glass artists from around the world.
As time passed Ilanit developed her own voice in fuse glass art. Ilanit continues mastering the material by participating in professional programs with other international artists.
Ilanit developed a program of learning through the arts and she is educating kids and adults about the beauty of fuse glass art by teaching throughout Southern California.